Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Weight Loss

I will continue to add your percentage to this post once you update me on it.

Sara- 1.19%
Rob- 2.47%
Jamie, Rich- 0.0%( Due to Hosting party) Its all good. I wanted to eat everything in my Fridge tonight. So don't feel bad.

2 loving remarks:

Jamie said...

Hey, Sara! Sorry I am so late--it's been a crazy a crazy week! Rich and I both sucked this week since we were hosting a party of 15 people, cooking, etc...and we forgot we were in a contest. So plan on better numbers next week! For this week, I am at a whopping -.84%, and Rich says he's the same! You guys are totally winning! ;)

Laura said...

2.19....More to follow, Be ready.