Thursday, July 09, 2009


So today has been one of those days. I woke up this morning with an upset stomach, not thinking much of it because it is how I have been feeling the last couple of days. I start my cleaning and getting ready for Allison's visit tomorrow. Yippee. When I notice that it is already time for lunch, (still haven't eaten breakfast) well my stomach still hurts so I make Rob, and Raef chicken salad sandwiches with lettuce and tomato, and Brady and Kaylee PB&J. I make myself just a lettuce and tomato sandwich, hoping that something light will help settle my upset tummy. Well to no avail, I ended up sick in the bathroom no more than an hour later. So I try to lay down, but the things that I needed to get done kept running through my head, so I got up and started cleaning again (well in between bathroom breaks of course) When I noticed it was time for dinner. So I made dinner eggs, potatoes and bacon. yummy right? The boys loved it, and Kaylee didn't eat much, mostly just her eggs. She loves eggs. So I decide to give my kids a bath and let them play in the tub right before bedtime. So I go down stairs and start to clean up dinner. When I think to myself "Don't mop the floor yet" and of course I'm like heck yeah I can wait to do that. So I go up and get the kids out of the tub and bring Kaylee down to brush her hair. I feel Kaylee's head and she is burning up, and then I hear it.....the rumbling of a upset tummy. But its not mine. I look down to see Kaylee's face turn white. I pick her up and start running into the kitchen to make it to the bathroom, but as my luck goes we get as far a the fridge when dinner ends up on the floor. So I take her over to the sink to get her cleaned up, when she looks at me and says "I spilled, Sorry I spilled".
It was so cute. It made cleaning up the mess worth it, and boy was I happy I hadn't already Mopped the floor.

By the way the last week or so I have been trying to potty train Kaylee. The last two days have been great only a few accidents and 2 poops on the potty.

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