Tuesday, September 08, 2009

First Day of School

Brady, Raef and Kaylee before school

Raef before School.

Raef eating breakfast

Raef still eating his breakfast, a rolled up pancake.

Raef, Caitlin, Alexandria and Hunter walking up to school

Raef putting his backpack in his locker

How handsome is he

Brady waiting to go to school. Brady getting in the car going to school

Brady in his class

Brady already starting his work for class. The teacher asked all the kids to write their name and draw a picture of themselves. Brady couldn't wait to get started. Kaylee wanted to do it too

This is 7:55 in the morning droping Raef, Caitlin, Alexandria and Hunter Off at school

This is At 11:35 in the morning droping Brady off for his first day of Afternoon Kindergarten.

3 loving remarks:

Allison @ Allie Browns Layouts said...

Didn't you know that now Brady's in Kindergarten that it's not cool to wave to a camera and tell his father that he loves him?

Those pictures and videos were adorable! I wish I could've been there! That backpack on Raef looks huge! I was expecting him to come falling backwards!

Both boys looked like little studs (as they are of course).

Happy first day of school Raef and Brady! I love you guys!

KHamlin said...

They are the most wonderful children. You guys have done an exceptional job with them. I love all of you so much.


Jill Petersen said...

Your boys are so cute! They were so excited. Their backpacks are huge though! Jack has afternoon kindergarden also. I'm not sure if I like it yet. I'll see once I get home and get on a regular schedule. Thanks for the videos. I always love them!