Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day Fun

So we had a lot of fun at the beach Yesterday. While we were there a dog named daisey decided it wanted to spend some time with us. It was a very good dog and loved to play fetch.
We all ended up with a little bit of a sun burn. We just had a fun day.

2 loving remarks:

Allison @ Allie Browns Layouts said...

It looks like you guys had a ton of fun! Where's you? I wanted to see some pics of you with the weight you've lost!

I don't think I'll ever run around in my bathing suit until I've lost about another 35 pounds. Hmmmm....don't think I'll be wearing a bathing suit while I visit you in July. Talk about giving your kids nightmares... I'm also white as a ghost and'll blind everyone within a mile from me.

But nonetheless, I'm excited to come! I need to lose THREE more pounds! That's it!!

Jill Petersen said...

Those are great pics! Kaylee's hair is so cute! Grammaree would LOVE it! Get those kids some more sun this summer! They need it! ha ha!

I can't see the video above since I am on the blocked laptop. sad :(